Microblading review

Benefits of Microblading

What are the benefits of microblading? The procedure is less invasive than permanent tattooing, lasts up to 18 months, and only requires a topical numbing ointment. It also doesn't hurt like permanent tattooing and can be painless. The artist will first study your brows to determine the color and shape of your brow. Once they've determined that, they will sketch it onto your brow. This step will also help your microblading artist create a natural-looking hair stroke pattern. Check out microblading Los Angeles to learn more.

Less invasive than permanent tattooing

Because microblading is cosmetic, it's less invasive than traditional tattooing. The pigment isn't injected deeply into the skin, and the results fade over time. Generally, the results of microblading last for one to three years. However, some people experience redness and bruising following the procedure. The procedure can also cause the skin to be sensitive for a few days.


There are many benefits to getting microblading done. The process is relatively painless and does not require a lot of downtime. Microblading can last through a morning spinning class or a night out with the girls. The process is also waterproof, making it perfect for both men and women. Microblading is a great way to give your face a natural look that lasts through a variety of activities.

Lasts up to 18 months

The pigments used in microblading are semi-permanent. Because the pigments are inserted too deep into the skin, they will never fully disappear. This is because the inner layers of the skin do not shed like the surface layer does. Because the pigment ingredients are not soluble in the body, they are not broken down in the body. Each system works differently to break them down. In the case of microblading, however, the pigments will last for up to 18 months.

Requires topical numbing ointment

The process of microblading is usually painless. But to ensure this, you should make sure that you have an effective numbing solution. The cream should be applied to the area with a Q-tip and left there for at least 20 minutes. Although most topical anesthetics don't need a full half-hour, a weaker one might require this time. Before the practitioner begins the procedure, the area is cleaned.

Requires a touch up

After a microblading procedure, you'll need a touch up. The first one is free and usually includes the initial procedure. During the healing period, your eyebrows may look uneven, but they will gradually fade. You'll want to stay out of the sun and avoid touching the scabs. You'll also want to stay out of the swimming pool until the healing process is complete.

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